
Blog of The Paradox of Realism Research Group

1970. January

Between moralism and realism

2016. March 16. 10:44
Between moralism and realism

I joined the project The Paradox of Realism in September 2015. As a MA student at the Philosophy Institution at Eötvös Loránd University, my research area is political philosophy and its relationship with moral philosophy. From the three modules the project consists of I work within the critical module, as that being the closest to my formal educational background and academic interest. This module is prevailingly dominated by strong theoretical debate, diverse dispositions, which makes the work more genuine.

Lectori salutem!

2016. March 01. 22:05
Lectori salutem!

In the next months we are going to publish a series of blog posts about political realism in general and the goals of our research project in particular. What is political realism and why should we bother? These will be our first questions to answer. We hope that you will find our short comments of some interest.