Zoltán Gábor Szűcs's new article in SSPT

Zoltán Gábor Szűcs's new article about the a-theoretical core of political realism was published online in Studies in Social and Political Thought.
Zoltán Gábor Szűcs's new article about the a-theoretical core of political realism was published online in Studies in Social and Political Thought.
Attila Gyulai's new article about Carl Schmitt and the autonomy of politics is published in latest issue of Theoria (155)!
Zoltán Gábor Szűcs's paper (Neither hope nor fear: A Stoic understanding of political freedom) was accepted to the Association for Social and Political Philosophy Annual Conference, 2017, University of Sheffield, June 27-29.
Zoltán Balázs's new book, The Principle of the Separation of Powers: A Defense was recently released by the publisher.
Congratulations to the author!
The Research Group on Practical Philosophy and the History of Ideas of the Institute of Philosophy, HAS, The Paradox of Realism Research Group at Centre for Social Sciences, HAS, and the Institute of Political Science at Corvinus University of Budapest jointly organize an international workshop on political realism and practical morality.
Zoltán Gábor Szűcs's paper (Why and how an analogy between fiction and realist political theory can widen our horizon?) was accepted to a MANCEPT 2016 workshop: Embracing plurality, learning through practice: How to do realism in political theory today? (organizers: Janosch Prinz and Irene Vanini).
Milán Pap's paper (Neo-Hobbesian democracy?: the theory of modus vivendi and democratic legitimacy) was accepted to Seventh Meeting on Ethics and Political Philosophy (BMEPPVII), University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, June 15-16.
Congratulations, Milán!
For the 2017-2018 academic year EURIAS offers 48 fellowships (25 junior and 23 senior positions).
Tibor Mándi's paper (The morality of political realism) was accepted to Realist Political Theory panel (chaired by Keith Dowding) at the ECPR General Conference (Prague, 2016).
Good news! Congratulations, Tibor!